Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Day 20 - Parents

I am thankful for my mom and dad.  
Everyone has parents but not everyone has a mom and dad.  I had these amazing people in my life for far too short of a time.  My level-headed, witty, common sense mother was tough.  She taught me to work whether I liked it or not.  She made me be responsible for my actions.  Sometimes she was the over-the-top mean mother.  That wasn't always fun but it sure made an impression.  You couldn't get away with anything. 
But, she was the most loving Nana to my children that I could have asked for.  She doted on those children.  I loved watching her take time with them to take them out for a special day.  She was great at being a grandmother!  Sometimes I can still "hear" what she would say about each of the children if she were here.  She was tough but in the end, we became friends and I loved her immensely.
My dad, on the other hand, was the softie of my parents.  He was tender and loving with his words and his touch.  I miss him rubbing my earlobes and giving hugs.  He gave me opportunities to work and earn money.  They weren't always the best jobs, but they were employment.  He was good at that.  He was a smart businessman who cared for his employees.  He was generous to a fault at times.  I miss him so often. 
Together they taught me how to be a God-fearing, covenant keeping, calling-accepting woman. I loved watching them together.  You could see how much they loved one another.  Always touching or holding hands and always kissing in front of us.  They showed me what real love looked like and I believe I have learned. 
When my dad was sick at the end of his life, I had people ask me about the possible outcomes.  I would say, if there is a cure then great!  But if not, what is the worst that can happen?  He will leave this earth and then be stuck in the spirit world with the love of his life, my mother.  I couldn't feel bad about that.  They belong together and after 23 years they are.  I love them both so much and miss them very often.  But, I'm glad they are together and I'm so thankful to call them my mom and dad.

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