Sunday, May 3, 2020

Socially Distant Concert...Oops

On Friday night we have socials with the other missionaries.  We've been doing this for a few weeks.  They usually happen via zoom.  Elder Munoa and some other missionaries began going to local nursing homes in December and putting on mini concerts.  He wanted to do the same thing for us.
It was decided that we would get together in the women's garden and sit a minimum of 6 feet apart and wear our masks.  We didn't even need to wear our masks as of May 1st if you are outdoors and maintaining social distancing. 
 The problem is that we are a group of more than 10 people.  Sister Flanders is an amazing violinist.  She gave some wonderful undertones to some of the music and then got the crowd engaged with Orange Blossom Special.  That made us think of the Sunset on the Mississippi show that will not be happening this summer.
Elder Munoa writes music.  He and Elder Draney, who has gone home, collaborate.  Elder Draney writes the lyrics and Elder Munoa puts it to music.  He sang some beautiful original pieces.
I noticed this tree as I sat and listened to the music.  It is actually two of the same type of tree but the blossoms are different colors.  It is so beautiful!
Just as the concert was over and we were getting our treats and leaving, Robert the full-time security officer, came to get President Rizley.  Someone complained to the police that we were gathering and there were a large group.  I don't know how he explained it but I assume he didn't get ticketed.  It was a wonderful time with beautiful music and the setting was perfect with all the beautiful blooming flowers!

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