Sunday, May 3, 2020


Sometimes I have these thoughts about my family.  We lost my mother far too young.  We lost Tina even younger and that just wasn't fair.  My vibrant daddy got brain cancer and was taken.  We have experienced enough and therefore God will surely spare us from further difficulties like these.  I'm wrong of course.  Our difficult things are different than other family's difficulties.
 Two weeks ago Sammi brought Jeff home from the hospital after having a surgery to remove a tumor from his thymus.  It was a pretty major surgery as he had to have his chest cracked open to remove the tumor.  Due to the corona virus, Sammi was not allowed to stay or even go visit him while he was hospitalized.  All of the blood work came back clear of cancer and the PET scan showed no cancer either so we were all very optimistic.
A few days later we were waiting for a devotional with Elder and Sister Renlund to begin when Sammi called to tell us that Jeff was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Cancer.  The ugliest word I know.  It stole my sister Tina and then my dad.  Now it has affected my family once again.  I was devastated and immediately thought that we would have to cut our mission short and come home.
We listened to the Renlunds talk about how we can serve while we are restricted.  Prophets in the scriptures were often restricted.  At the end of his remarks Elder Renlund gave an a blessing to us as historic site missionaries.  He said, "In conclusion I leave my apostolic blessing with you of protection for you as you serve and upon your families.  Your families will be blessed more than if you were with them.   Miracles will happen.  You will sense His joy in your service."  That was exactly what we needed to hear.  It was a testament to both of us that we needed to stay here and continue to serve.  We can bless their lives greater by continuing to serve.

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