Sunday, May 3, 2020

Our Backyard

In our condo we occasionally had deer in the yard or running through the yard.  Mostly there were a lot of cats in the neighborhood.  Since we've moved to the Village Inn, we have deer every evening.  Lots of birds if I put seed out for them.  But if I do that, the raccoons come and eat the seed.  Lots of squirrels as there is a nut tree.  They're fun to watch and strangely the don't bother the bird feeder.
Last night as we had our first campfire in our backyard, the deer started emerging from the woods.  First one and then another and suddenly there were five.  This one led the way up onto the mowed grass to move to the field next door.  Two others followed.  When we made any noise they looked at us momentarily and then went back to their grazing.
There are a total of nine apartments at the Village Inn.  There are three on the left of this photo.  Ours is on the right.  Then there is another building with four more.  Ours isn't the largest but I like it best of all of them.
We have an upstairs suite which is really nice.  None of the others have a second bedroom.
We had a second bedroom in the condos and lots of neighbors and everything was new.  It was a wonderful place to live but we have such a great view here and it it our own house.  We share the garage.  Well, we would if someone lived there.  At present, we are the only couple living in any of the Village Inn apartments.  We love it here!

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