Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year’s Eve Talent Show

On New Year's Eve, actually starting about 5pm, the missionaries had a talent show.  We had about a month to prepare for this event if we chose to be a part of it.  With so many very, very talented people in our midst who are capable of singing and/or playing an instrument very proficiently, I talked to my husband about us doing some kind of skit.  Who would do it with us?  The Bailies!  They were in as soon as we mentioned it.  Did we ever chose well!
Elder Monoa and Sister Mensel did a tribute song to Elder Meyocks who died on December 26th of a heart attack.  It was beautiful and so fitting.
Elder Holmstead did some poetry which was really thought provoking.
Sister Wadley sang "Unforgettable".  I believe it was just for the Lusvardis who will leave us on January 17th.
Sister Flanders, Elder Monoa and Sister Warner on the piano gave us quite a show.  There was a piano trio, more music both serious and fun, cowboy poetry and Carnac the Magnificent.
Then there was us.
The Four Clucks
We did Ray Stevens' In the Mood to the chickens clucking.
The Bailies and I were the backup cluckers while Elder Pleshek was the head cluck.
We had so much fun.  Even our practices were fun.  Being in the costumes was even better.
As soon as Sister Bailie walked out where she could be seen, the laughter began.  I knew it would.  We looked ridiculous.
We came up with some choreography and just went with it.
As usual, given the spotlight, my husband took off and did what he does best.  Shines!  For days people have been either clucking at us or telling us how we "stole the show" or how much they enjoyed it.  That was our goal.  Make them laugh!  We succeeded big time.  Too bad we won't be here for it next year.  We could do it all over again and only a few people will have seen it.

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