Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Two Horse Open Sleigh

We've had one good snowfall that was deep enough to pull out the sleighs.  The teamsters were very excited to get them out and made sure the word was out there.  Word of mouth, texts and any other form of communication were used to make sure everyone who wanted a ride, got one.
I took some time off while working in the Heber C. Kimball home to go for a ride.  Elder and Sister Davies took us out for a ride with the Wilsons who are temple missionaries.  Elder Davies knew where to stop to get some good photos.
Elder Wilson kept saying, "Wow!" about every other minute.  I have to admit that I've never ridden in a sleigh being pulled by horses.  It was really fun!  I felt bad for the horses though.  They really worked hard!  I'm sure wheels are much easier to move than a sleigh especially while crossing the roads.
I'm glad it wasn't too cold that day.  It was cold enough that we used the blankets given to us to keep us warm.
Just another day on the mission in Nauvoo!

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