Sunday, January 5, 2020

Farewell Sister Lusvardi

We had a Farewell Sister Lusvardi get together last night at the mission home.  Not all the sisters attended which was really kind of sad but still it was a fun event to be able to listen to her testimony and feel of her love and the love that we have for one another.
Sisters sat at tables or in small groups and just visited.  Here are Sisters Thurgood and Stapley.
Sisters Schmidt, Bailie and Howard were sitting  in this corner together sharing their snacks and conversation when Sister Prettyman wanted to take their picture.  Next thing we know, all the FM sisters were invited to be in the photo.  How I love these ladies!
Sister Lusvardi shared with us that she is really a very reserved and shy person.  But, she will sing all day long for you.  I'm just the opposite.  I'll sing WITH you all day long but it's easy for me to get up and give a talk or presentation.  
Her demeanor reminds me a bit of my sister Susie.  Both of them are extremely kind.
Sister Mecham Robertson, Richards, Peterson, Prettyman, Quirl, Scott, Richins and Whiting are all sharing some time together.
Sisters Lusvardi and Monaco
This is the original photo that prompted the all FM sisters photo above.
In the end, President came out and took this photo for us.  My heart is filled to overflowing when I look at the faces of so many whom I've come to know and love over the past seven months.  These are friends that I never knew I needed in my life.  Only because of this mission have I been able to meet them.  There are some that have already gone home whom I love dearly and I'm sure there are those yet to come that I will love just as much as these dear women.  
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints offers me opportunities that I would never have had if I hadn't done certain things in my life.  I count this mission as a definite highlight where I made eternal friendships.
God bless you Sister Lusvardi in the next chapter of your life and in all you do.  You will be missed.  Thanks for thinking that I'm entertaining!

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