Thursday, January 2, 2020

Heber C Kimball Update

Sister Howard, Odum and I and Elders Mensel and Flanders as well as Jared, the lead painter and employee of the Nauvoo FM group, spent a lot of time prepping and painting the Heber C. Kimball home.  Then came a day when Sister Howard and I weren't there for various reasons.  That's the day that Elder Cornwell stopped by and took some photos of what was happening inside and outside the home.
Elder Flander touching up the blue trim. 
Sister Gibbs helping with the floor.
Elder Schmidt, who work tirelessly, outside the home when the porches were completely off.
I actually took this photo the day before when Elder Mensel was there helping us rather than working in the shop.
Elder Flanders still working on touch up trim.
Elder Howard didn't get in any of these photos either so Elder Schmidt gets to be in this one again all alone.
Sisters Schmidt and Odum shining up that floor.
I love this photo.  Mostly because I love these people but also because it is finally finished!  It looks great!  If ever I'm on a tour there, I will point out to the people that many of those brush strokes are mine.  It was a tedious job, but so rewarding!

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