Thursday, January 2, 2020

Christmas Walk Part 1

The Christmas Walk was one of the most stressful events I've ever planned.  Usually I stress myself out because I procrastinate.  Not this event!  All the assignments were made and we set up the Visitor's Center with more chairs than I ever thought would fit.  Then there was the sound system and piano to set up at the end of the work day.
I had such willing participants in the Nativity program.  These two guys are some of my favorites.  Lee, with the beard, works for the FM group.  I asked him and he talked it over with his wife and decided to do it.  He told me that he really enjoyed being a shepherd and that it was a highlight.  He also told me that our choir was amazing.  In fact, he told everyone that our choir was really great!
Elder Mensel was also a shepherd.  He did this last year and said he would do it again.  His wife was in the choir so at least they were stationed at the same place.  The guy in the tie was a narrator and sang in the choir. 
I loved the Nativity that was set up in the VC.  Anyone walking into our VC could know we believe in Christ by seeing this when they walked in.  Of course, the giant Christus statue would tell you that any other time of the year.
I have to say that Lee was my wild card and I'm so glad I asked him to participate.  He talked on occasion about his struggles working for the church and having to separate that from the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I think it was really good for him to be able to listen to the sacred music and gaze upon the holy infant child, even if it was a doll.  Here his is at Thanksgiving in his turkey hat.

Everything went off without a hitch and all assignments were taken care of.  We met the following week and tweaked a few things to make it just that much better.  After all was finished, I felt so accomplished!  Thank goodness I won't have to do this again!

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