Sunday, January 19, 2020

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days

Who ever heard of such an event?
Yesterday we attended this event in the mall if Keokuk.  There were lots of vendors and some of them had really beautiful wares for sale.  The most interesting thing we did was to go to the movie theater where there was a presentation on bald eagles and other raptors.
Apparently a raptor is a specific type of bird.  It depends on their beaks, talons and something else.  At any rate, bald eagles, hawks, great horned owls and falcons are all in the raptor family.
This great horned owl was super cool to learn about.  As Amber took her around the theater she made these very neat sounds. It was a really fun exhibition.  It was much too cold to take the shuttle to go watch the eagles near the lock in Keokuk.  There are many bald eagles in the area since the water is always open and doesn't freeze due to the dam. 
There was a box of bird feet passed around that had the feet of the different kinds of raptors.  I was amazed how sharp those talons were.  Then a big wing was passed and I was again amazed at how soft the feathers were.  I expected them to be a bit more coarse.  It was a fun event!

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