Monday, November 15, 2021

USS Arizona Memorial

On Wednesday we had the opportunity to go to Pearl Harbor and tour the USS Arizona.  It was indeed a sacred experience.  We got on the boat to go across the harbor and I already felt I was headed into sacred territory.

It's only about a 5 minute ride out to the Arizona. We got to stay about 10-15 minutes and then another group arrives and we get on their boat to go back.
This is the anchor that was brought on land.

There are parts of the ship still visible above the water line.   

The little white buoy in the water behind my head is the end of the ship.  
There was a retired military serviceman on the memorial who was telling the story of this ship.  Back  when WWII was being fought it was a hit and miss type of war with bombs.  Today we can pinpoint and tell the bomb where to go and detonate with accuracy.
This particular bomb was let go and was a direct hit on the ship.  The thing that did the most damage was the fact that the bomb hit one of the magazines where the ordnance was kept.  This caused a massive explosion that killed many instantly.  
The battleship Missouri.
Many of the ships that were hit on Dec 7, 1942 were raised and put back into commission.  This was not possible with the Arizona.  I think, also, that the powers that be did not want to disturb the final resting place of so many.
Oil bubbles every few seconds.  It has been 80 years and still the oil rises to the surface as though there is still life there.

Inside the Arizona is a wall with all the names of the men who went down with the ship.
So many names!
Beside the wall there are two more "benches" with names engraved.  These are men who survived but have decided they wanted to be buried at sea with their buddies.  
Even now almost two weeks later, I feel the power of this sacred site. 
The flag flying unfurled over the top of the memorial makes me feel a sense of great hope for our country. 


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