Sunday, August 16, 2020

Weeks House Tour

On Wednesday all the senior missionaries were able to have a tour of the new homes that I for one put a lot of hours in on.  
This room is at the back of the home.  Obviously a bedroom.
This room is William Weeks' "study" where he did his work.  It is on the west side of the front of the house  
These are copies of his original sketches for the Nauvoo temple.
Here is the mantle that Jared spent many, many hours bringing back to life.  The marble effect is original with a few modifications from Jared to make it look better.  It was under paint for many years and there were a lot of blemishes in it because of that.
More work space.
Interesting that there are two kinds of curtains in this room.
I love this little house!
One of the windows that I helped faux grain.
Finally the fireplace that Sister Howard spent weeks trying to clean paint off of.  Only to have it painted over and re-grained.  I helped with this one too.  That door on the left looks pretty good but the guy on the right is my favorite part of this photo.

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