Sunday, August 16, 2020

Ferrin & Wendy Flanders

What can I say about these two?  How I love them!
Sister Flanders sang in the Tabernacle Choir for several years but since she is also an accomplished violinist, she wasn't ever asked to sing while we've been here.  Her music has added so much to the pieces she has accompanied.
Elder Flanders.  Where do I start?  He  came here as a teamster but after twiddling his thumbs for an entire winter (off-season) he decided to put himself to work at FM in the paint shop over his second winter..  I'm so glad he did as we became such good friends.  He always wore white shirts from the D.I. and white pants.  A true painter.  On this day we stained the ox wagon black and he had on a new pair of white pants.  Then he decided he needed to lay under the wagon to get the places that would be seen.  They didn't stay clean for long!
He and Sister Odum and I spent a lot of time painting the Heber C. Kimball porch.  It was finished last winter and we finally got a work order for it to be painted.  Boy was it HOT!
Some days we could hardly wait for the popsicle truck to arrive.  On our breaks we went inside where it was much cooler so we wouldn't get overheated.  
The worst was doing the upper railings on the porch.  We tried to do them earliest in the day before the sun came around and scorched us.  Fill the nail holes with wood putty, sand them down, caulk the places that need caulk and finally paint.  I have one last place to finish on the upper door frame.  He was working on it and finally had the sandpaper he needed and then had his bike accident.  He came over on Friday morning to show me exactly what needed to be done to finish the project.  I hope I do him proud.
When we were made district leaders, the Flanders were put into our district.  I was thrilled!  We were able to have one district dinner together and play a game of bocce ball.  It was so fun!
My first job working with the paint crew was on the Kimball home, but inside.  We sanded the roller marks off of the walls and repainted.  On this day, the floors were getting a good shine.  Sisters Schmidt and Gibbs came to help.  I was gone to a funeral in Chicago.  
Working in the shop with Elders Mensel and Flanders was always a treat.  We sisters, came and went a lot over the winter while they worked  in the shop.  Mensel loves to talk and would complain about whatever he could find to complain about.  Flanders would always call him out and tell him he was "Full of crap!"  I love these two guys and I've learned so much about painting and caulking and sanding from both of them.
When we did Caroling in Carthage, the Flanders were in our group.  This is where we heard Sister Flanders shine.  Her voice carried and led the way in our group.  
In March, Elder Flanders celebrated his 70th birthday.
He made a goal to ride his bike 70 miles!
He did it too!  He has a very light weight bike and loves to ride.
We have Historic Site training meetings on Wednesdays.  When a couple is going to be leaving us, they are given some time to bear a testimony and say a few words.
I couldn't contain my tears as I listened to Sister Flanders express her beautiful testimony and her love for all of us.
Elder Flanders told us that when he first got here he was teamstering with Elder Allred.  He was asked, "How did you ever talk your wife into marrying you?"  That got a good laugh from all of us.  They are forever in my hearts.
One day last week, they came over and brought us this license plate sign.  I have seen them around some of the others' homes and thought, "How cool are those!  I want one."  I didn't know who made them until he asked me if I thought Tom would like one.  He surely loves his.  I was so surprised and held back the tears.  I wanted to hug them both but we aren't supposed to do that with Covid.
These two wonderful people are going home tomorrow.  Back to Centerville.  We helped them clean things out of their home yesterday to give away.  He took me to the basement and opened the freezer and told me to take whatever I wanted.  He stated that he wanted us to have the first pick because we are their best friends here.  Again, that touched my heart.  I knew I loved them both so dearly, but didn't know how much we are loved back.  
Thank you Nauvoo Historic Sites Mission for bringing us together.
Goodbye Ferrin and Wendy Flanders. It's hard to see you go but we'll see you again!

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