Monday, August 3, 2020

Tom Cruze is Dead

We bought Erin's "Tom" Cruze late last year and hadn't driven it until just a few weeks ago when Andrew brought it to us on July 4th.
Today the insurance agent called us with what they are willing to pay to replace the car.
With that in mind, we drove to Keokuk and took one last look as we cleaned out everything that we wanted.
As we took a closer look, we know why it was totaled.  We figured it would be but now we know for certain.
As I look at the damage to the back of the car, I am in awe of how the good Lord protected us.  Tom was sitting in that back seat!
Whoever buys this little crash victim will make out like a bandit in parts and tires.  Erin put those tires on not too many miles ago.  And we just stuck over $2000 into the engine!
Good-bye Tom Cruze!  You were a missionary car when you were born and you died a missionary car!

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