Sunday, August 16, 2020

Hunter Home Tour

The Edward Hunter home rose out of the ground last fall.  It was nothing but a basement that was uncovered.  It sits just below the temple.
The Hunters were quite wealthy people and it shows in their home.
Pineapple wallpaper was a sign of wealth.  This grandfather clock surely was as well.
I helped only a little on this mantle.  Jared was busy painting the inside of all the fireplaces so they look like they were used.  I think he did a great job!
Usually there are no seats in the historic homes.  This sofa is able to be used.  Sisters Jensen, Munoa and Warner helped themselves to a seat.  Love these ladies!
The middle room of this house is where Bishop Hunter's desk is located.  There is a big Bible opened up on the desk.
Inside the bishop's storehouse which is an added-on room to the house so it doesn't have a brick exterior.  Elder Flanders spent days and days and days painting the window frames and doors in this home.  
I helped grain all of the doors and door frames and window frames in this home.  The baseboards were all done by Jared in the shop before they were installed.  Thank goodness!

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