Saturday, February 29, 2020

Service in Fort Madison

In Fort Madison the local churches have community meals the last week of each month for those people who may be running low of food/money.  This helps provide them with meals to get them through until the next payday.  The local branch provides the meal on the Wednesday and occasionally there is a need for someone to take over of the last Friday.  
This is where the FM missionaries come in.  Jared, our painter who is the Elder's Quorum president in the Fort Madison branch, lets us know and we make and serve the meal.  Last night we had the opportunity to do this again. 
My sweetheart and I were in charge of making the mashed potatoes and gravy.  Then we served the meal.  I felt like Edna Buettner serving mashed potatoes.
Sister Carlson and Peterson served the salads, my Elder served the meat, I did the potatoes, Sister Gibbs put on the gravy and Elder Gibbs served up the green beans and if someone wanted the seafood linguine that was prepared he would give you that too.  It was intended for any of the Catholics that don't want meat on a Friday.  The lady put shrimp and mussels in it.  If it was just shrimp it would have been tasty, but the mussels made it smell like a pond. 

We had a good time working together and serving these people.  They are so appreciative.  Life is great especially when we get to serve!

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