Monday, March 16, 2020

Gentleman Farmer

A few weeks ago Jim Droste who is a temple worker, asked Pat if he wouldn't mind feeding the "baby" oxen for the weekend.  Are you kidding?  That's right up his alley!
They needed to be fed in the morning and again in the evening.  They got a bucket of grain and some hay.  These are the "teenagers".  There used to be four but one got killed when lightning struck a tree he was standing under.  I like the one on the left.  He has one horn going up and one goes down.
The feed is stored in the barn behind Brigham Young's home.   When you open the door, the mice just scurry.  This grain needs to be in something that his a lid that can be closed tight!
On Sunday, Pat doesn't change out of his church clothing so he feeds the animals in his white shirt and tie.  Some of the oxen are friendlier than others.  Some are more shy.  This one needed to lick or sniff him.
After we fed them, we prepared the buckets for the next morning.
My gentleman farmer reminded me of Oliver Douglas from Green Acres.  Although I am no Lisa Douglas. 
Here's the ox with the funky horns.
I love that he loves serving and that he got the opportunity to do the farm thing if only for a day or two.  I'm sure Jim will ask him to feed them again.  It was fun!

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