Saturday, March 21, 2020

Changes and more changes

It is amazing how things change so quickly.  Two weeks ago we were doing things as normal here at Nauvoo Historic Sites.  We were having morning devotionals, weekly temple dates, historic site (formerly mission) training and social gatherings.  

Then along came Covid19 or the corona virus.  So far as we know, there is no one currently in Nauvoo that has a confirmed case.  Last week we stopped having training.  Then the word about the temples closing except for living ordinances.  We went last Saturday just to get another endowment in before it closed.  It is scheduled for a closure from the beginning of April through mid-May anyway.  Then word came that all the sites would be closing until further notice.

This week there were no more morning devotionals.  Then the governor declared that we should all self quarantine for the next 14 days.  No going to work or socializing.  We feel as safe here as at home.  With our home so full (I like it that way), it was an easy decision to stay where we are.  

Here's the difficult part.  On Monday evening we had an interview with Jordan to ask how we were feeling about our safety here.  We told him they would have to kick us out.  Then on Thursday all temple missionaries got word that they should go home.  On Friday our site missionaries were each interviewed by a member of the presidency.  Many were told to leave.  As of now only seven site couples plus the president, seven teamster couples and all FM couples who opted to stay are here.  We had 13 FM couples.  Two couples have already left, four more are packing to leave and there are still a couple sitting on the fence trying to decide if they want to stay or go.

Today we took a bike ride through the flats.  Everywhere we looked there were cars being packed or empty homes.  As I pondered it I was left with an incredible sense of sadness.  So many of our friends have left or will be gone in the next few days.  Was that what it was like when the early saints left in 1846?  Those who could afford to leave did.  Those who couldn't afford to leave had to stay until relief parties came back for them.  We can afford to leave but don't need to unless we get told to do so.  

When we are able to come back together to meet, there will be a few new faces whom we have not met yet and those whom we love but so many will be missing.  It hurts my heart.  I pray for this pandemic to be over quickly so that things can reopen here in the City Beautiful.  Summer in Nauvoo is so amazing and I hate to think that it will be nothing more than a ghost town.  

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