Thursday, February 27, 2020

It's a Nauvoo Miracle

Last year at this time, Rosy had left employment at Hoffman Wood Fiber and I had to step in and take over that job.  I immediately began asking everyone I could think of if they knew anyone who was looking for a job as we already had our mission call.  Chad's sister in law came to my rescue and took the job.  I told her that I prayer her there.
Two weeks ago, Kim told Pat that she had taken another job and gave her two weeks notice.  I immediately got to my knees and started petitioning my Father in Heaven to provide someone that we could trust to do the job.  I gave Pat all my thoughts on who he could ask.
Yesterday I was in the temple.  Prior to the endowment session, I petitioned once again, my Father and told Him of our great need to have someone presented to take the job.  Just at the end of the session a prayer was offered that anyone in this company who had come to the temple with a specific need would have it answered.  I went home and decided that God would provide. 
Today Pat and I spoke and we talked about another possibility or two.  Kim's last day is tomorrow and we need someone NOW!  About 2pm, Pat texted me and asked me if I knew a Debra Trinko.  Yes I do!  She walked into the mill and handed Pat her resume and was looking for work.  I told him to HIRE HER!
Tears filled my eyes as I knew this was a direct answer to my prayers.  In this place we call that a "Nauvoo Miracle."  I am again humbled to know just how much my Father loves me and is in the details of my life. 

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