Saturday, February 22, 2020


The weekend, part-time security officer retired at the end of the year and the senior couples at FM have been asked to fill in until someone else if hired.  The retiring guy was in his 80's.  I'm not sure who wants a job that requires you to work every Saturday and Sunday evening and all holidays.  Elder Cornwell took this photo as Elder Pleshek came around the back side of the Riser Boot Shop.  That's the Pountain house in the background.
Security involves making sure that everything is locked.  We did find a few sites with unlocked doors.  It also involves emptying all the trash but this time of year, that really isn't an issue.  It took us two hours on Saturday evening and 1 1/2 hours on Sunday.  Since Monday was a holiday, we worked then as well.  I didn't work on Monday.  Elder Scott volunteered to work with my husband.  I think they had a good time as we're pretty good friends with the Scotts.
Hopefully, someone will want this job and we won't have to do it in the summer.

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