Thursday, February 6, 2020

2020 Exodus Re-enactment

Sammi, Tom and the children came for the weekend as they wanted to be part of the Exodus re-enactment.  Each person that walked down Parley Street was able to walk for someone who was actually there, or another relative.
These two cuties didn't walk but they had tags on their stroller for some babies that left Nauvoo.
The Nauvoo Legion walked in the front of the parade.  We, carrying flags walked directly behind them.  My sweetie carried the colors at the head of the legion.
These are the people behind us.  Flags from all over the world were represented.  Unfortunately you cannot see how long the procession was.  At the rear were wagons and carriages pulled by the horses for those who didn't choose to walk.  They did, however, carry a lot of people back to the Family Living Center.
Tom carried a Russian flag, while I carried a German flag and Evelyn carried Great Britain.
It wasn't too cold but the breeze made it feel colder.  You can see how our flags are flying in the breeze.
There was a short talk given at the end of Parley Street.
Another shot of the legion.
We were asked to wear our period clothing with our modern jackets.  
Elder Pleshek had a very moving experience carrying the colors while we marched down Parley Street.  One other thing that happened as we waited to turn off of Main on to Parley was that there was a huge fly over by a flock of very noisy geese.  It was pretty impressive!
Elders Pleshek, Bailie and Green suited up as part of the Nauvoo Legion.
I was amazed how many people came out to this event.  They came from miles around.  There was a TV station out of Quincy that came and covered it as well.  

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