Thursday, February 6, 2020

Completing the Office

We as the paint crew were called away from our painting project at the Big10 where the young sisters live when they are here.  We were asked to paint Jordan, Trischa and Ben's offices along with the copy room and the space where the secretary greets people.
We did all of the spaces except Ben's office as his was being used to store things from the other offices.  On Tuesday, Sister Odum and I went and painted the ceiling.  All four of us came back on Wednesday and painted the walls in his office.  It went so much faster with all of us chipping in than it would have it only two of us did it.  While we were there, this handsome Elder came by to put the Historic Nauvoo sign back up behind the secretary's desk.  The H and the N are both upside down and it makes me a little crazy.  He unscrewed them and we flipped the N right side up but decided to leave it upside down as the varnish underneath would need to be fixed.  We are not about to create more work for anyone.  So, back up it went.  And, no one notices unless I tell them.  The downstairs part of the office looks great!  Not sure when the upstairs gets painting.

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