Sunday, July 5, 2020

YSM Picnic

We were asked a few weeks ago, to host the 4th of July picnic for the YSMs.  We were told to make it a true picnic.  We had burgers, potato salad, watermelon and patriotic cookies.
The presidency was there to help serve the meal.  With Covid-19, we wore gloves and served each sister.  I had a brainstorm that if each sister put one glove on, she could put her own condiments on her burger rather than having one of us do it and hold up the line.  It works beautifully!
I surely love working with these people.  Sister Rizley was thankful for us doing this on our P-day.  I told her that we were supposed to be doing Nauvoo on the Road but since those dates have been cancelled through this month and probably more, it was our privilege to do this.
Tom was a big help as well.  He helped by handing out water and replenishing food and prepping and cleaning.  If the YSMs were allowed to hug, I think many of them would have hugged Tom.  I know I surely would have hugged some of them.  I miss being able to interact with them and have them in our home.  This was as good as it gets.  Too bad we were outside.  It was blistering hot at 91 degrees when we began.  The mask makes me sweat even more than usual!

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