Sunday, July 26, 2020

Pioneer Day Ice Cream

On Pioneer Day, the employees for the FM group do not work.  We, as missionaries still work.  My dear husband decided that we should use our ice cream makers and have a shorter day.
In the paint shop, we got all caught up with everything that was in there.  By 10:30 we didn't have anything else to do so I went to wash my truck.
Sisters Poll, Porter and Massey made the ice cream.  Three flavors included raspberry, chocolate and strawberry banana.  I'm usually not a fan of chocolate, but this was very good.  I thought I would like the raspberry best, but the actual berries were frozen and that was weird.
Everyone except Elder and Sister Elia came.  The Flanders came over and had ice cream with us.  It was so good to see Elder Flanders up and around.  He's doing so great.  It was a good day in that newly painted break room.

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