Monday, July 13, 2020

Trail of Hope

There is so little happening in Nauvoo this summer.  No pageant, no Sunset by the Mississippi, no YPMs or the shows that go with them.  It's really kind of sad.  
But, there is the possibility of the Trail of Hope happening once we have a soft opening.  
There are three casts.  These people are part of the yellow cast.
I've heard many of these stories before and I've always enjoyed them.  It was fun to see non-professionals portray these people.

Some of these sisters are very animated.
It was so fun to see their faces light up as they became someone else.
Sister Chipesvu was Jane Manning as she is the only person here with the correct skin tone.  She is on every cast.
The Warners were so cute as Bathsheba and George A. Smith.  She can never get through her dialog without a tear. 
Some spoke, some sang, all were wonderful!
We had some amazing music to set the tone before we began walking the trail.
At the beginning and the end we had a young sister as herself giving a dialog.
I love Sister Riddle.  She did an amazing job.  
As I began I could feel the spirit so strongly.  It dwelt with me the entire time.  I love those early saints and how much they sacrificed and how strong their testimonies were!
There were two others who performed.  One was Elder Jensen who was so cute and funny.  The other was my companion as Brigham Young.  He was commanding!  I hope they get to perform it for visitors.

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