Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Socially Distant Celebration

With all the social distance that the senior missionaries are supposed to do with the young sisters, we had two separate Independence Day parties.  The seniors met on the 2nd in the air conditioned pageant building.  We had a delicious meal together which we haven't done since Valentine's day.  It was the first time we have gotten together since then.  It felt so good!
The tables were set up in squares with eight to each space.  We wore our masks until we actually ate.
We had some marvelous entertainment.  Sister Warner, as always, at the piano was magnificent.
Elder Munoa puts these songs and musical pieces together.  He has all this equipment that he has purchased since they arrived.  They had to have a second vehicle brought out so they have a way to take it all home in October.
Sister Flanders is such an incredible violinist.  I love listening to her.  She's so beautiful and graceful.  I love her so much!
It is a good thing that the pageant building is so large.  There is no other place where we could sit down and have this meal and entertainment indoors.
As I looked around, we welcomed back the Walkers, Masseys and Mechams.  We also welcomed some new couples.  All the new people will be FM missionaries.  That's a good thing since we and the Bailies are the patriarchs of the FM missionary group.  I have come to love so many new people and love sharing our life with them and theirs with us.  I can't even think about going home in five months.

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