Monday, May 10, 2021

USS Yorktown

The USS Yorktown was decommissioned years ago and is now a floating museum.  
We went for a tour and only got to see a portion of it.
Figuring we will probably never go back there, we needed a photo.
The view from the flat top.
There was a display about the Doolittle Raid.  This board told about each of the planes and what happened to them and those on board.
When I watch Pearl Harbor years ago, it was the first time I ever heard of the Doolittle Raid.
This is one of the planes on that raid.

This was the briefing room where the pilots would get their orders.
The newspaper headlines!
One of many cargo ships that we noticed going by as we were atop the Yorktown.
Another decommissioned vessel next to the Yorktown.  I think this one is a battleship.
On top of the flat top.
I stood on the very end of the ship and took this photo.  That's a long stinkin' way to the other end.
I was unaware of what was over the side of the ship.
Donna looking at the cable that puts the brakes on the incoming planes.
Pat holding that same cable.  There were three different places where they could be attached.
Larry and Donna were ready to go and so were we.

I don't think anyone aboard a aircraft carrier can take these instructions for granted.
What a amazing tour!

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