Sunday, November 1, 2020

Painting the Engel Home

The Engel home has been under construction since we arrived here.  The upper level is inhabited by the Carlsons.  Two apartments have been created in the basement level.  It's a beautiful place to live as it sits right on the Mississippi River.  
Marty and his construction crew finished re-siding it a few weeks back.  What do you do with a newly sided home?  You paint it!
The day we prepped the windows and covered everything we didn't want paint on was beautiful.  We even got the east side painted that day.  It was downright warm at about 80 degrees.  Maybe even warmer.
The next day was rather cool and very, very windy.  Jared did the painting up on the scaffolding but he needed help in covering the windows and patio door.  Sister Odum says no way was she going out on the scaffolding even on a good day.  Sister Chestnut stepped out to hand Jared some tools.  So I made my way out on it.  It was so windy that I thought I might get blown into the house.  The wind came straight out of the west towards the house.  Lots of white caps on the river.
The third day was still cool but no wind.  I think it looks great!


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