Sunday, November 1, 2020

Giving Tours

About a month ago, we decided we needed to start giving tours as there is a great need with some of the YSMs going outbound and others will be going home in another week.  The new YSMs are trying to learn all they can, but those that just came are visa waiters so they may be here a very long time or maybe not so long.  
I felt inspired that we should begin with the George Riser shoe shop.
Sometimes there are people signed up for the tour/experience and sometimes we have to go out and hustle up our own.
Sometimes there is a little down time between tours.  There's a place in each building where the missionaries can put their feet up until the next scheduled one begins.  Sometimes missionaries fall asleep.
But when they are awake, they give great tours.  We had so much fun learning and telling about George Riser and his family and business.  Erin was so kind as to let the Facebook world know that she appreciated our tour as it gave her aching heart some peace and healing.
We are now on to the Jonathon and Elizabeth Browning home/shop.  We've given a few tours but the last one we gave was to our family and it was the best one to date.  We are scheduled to work there again this week.  I have been out on social media and via text trying to hustle up some business.  
We're having a blast conducting these experiences and it has added another dimension to our mission.  

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