Sunday, November 1, 2020

Nauvoo on the Road Training

Because of Covid-19 we have no been able to do any Nauvoo on the Road this year.  Only us and the Bailies have ever done it.  Therefore, we decided to have one as a training for the missionaries who will be here next year and will possibly have the opportunity to do it.
The Elias have been asked to take over the program.  They will be great!  They have the perfect personalities to do what this outreach is all about.
We had a few couples come and learn how to set up.
We really missed not being able to go travel over the summer to different fairs and other events.
All the senior missionaries really seemed to like it a lot.  
The young sisters really had a blast playing with the ring toss and walking on the stilts.  
I think we need to set things up again just so they get it into their minds how to do it.  I think the most important part to set up again is the rope machine.  When we got going, we found out that the Bailies had only served inside so we were the only ones who actually set up the canopies and the banner.  I continue to pray for a cure or immunization for this virus.

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