Wednesday, June 2, 2021


When the snow melted and we were able to get out in the yard we found several things that needed our help.  Some of those things needed help prior to our mission.  Since coming home we have more time to accomplish them.
Our yard swing was in tough shape.  Our children bought us a. We seat a couple of years ago but the frame was really rotten and I did not feel comfortable putting the seat on that frame.  Pat built a new frame. He also replaced all of the tile surrounding the fire pit.  Perhaps the most noticeable is that fact that the old, rotten fence came down.  The. The tree between the houses also were removed.  Finally, Pat put up the new fence and cleaned it.  It looks fabulous!
As I was sitting outside I noticed that the shrubbery beds needed some help.  Too many weeds!  I began weeding next to the fence.  Once that was complete, I moved to the bed next to the garage.  I decided that all the day lilies had to go.  It was a lot of work.  I think I removed 3 wheelbarrows of lilies.  The bulbs/roots were so massive in clusters.  Now my hosts will be seen and not covered.  I’m still not sure how to remove those that have begun to grow beneath the service door.
The last step was to put new bark in those spaces.  
The other space that I spent some time in was next to the sidewalk.  I dug out the huge clumps of daffodils and set them out to dry.  I also cleaned out the front bed.  No bark there though as I'll plant some flowers.  Next job is the lower lawn peony bed.  That one is the worst of anything I've ever seen.

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