Monday, June 7, 2021

That Peony Bed

In the last post I told and showed the progress made in the shrub beds around the house.  I was not looking forward to tackling the one on the lower lawn with the peonies and hibiscus.
This before picture shows how thick the vegetation was.  It has been there for a number of years and it was beginning to encroach upon the peonies.  I tried once upon a time to remove some of it, whatever it is, and the roots were so thick and entangled that I just gave up.  I was hoping Jeff would take care of it while we were gone.  No such luck.  So last week I decided that today was the day and I went after it.
When Pat came home later in the afternoon I had him remove the railroad ties so the bed is about 1/3 shorter than previous.  I planted that section with grass seed.  
The most difficult part was in front of the rock as there was just limited space to get my fork in and then deep enough to loosen the roots.  The other really hard part was just at the south end.  There was some kind of shrub growing there as well as the tall green stuff.  I actually had to roll the stuff out like sod.  Good thing Sammi was there to help as it was HEAVY!
In the end, it was worth all that work.  I am so pleased with the way it looks.  
Once the weeding was finished the mulch was applied.  Even better!


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