Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Few Carpentry Projects

I've been highlighting my projects and I want to show off two things that Pat has been doing.  He cut, sanded and bundled the pieces of these benches while still in Nauvoo.  Before we were banned from the carpentry shop for personal use.
It was a bit of a struggle to put the first bench together as some of the pieces weren't fitting quite right.  After some photos sent by Elder Brown, he figured out what needed to be done and created these very sturdy, comfortable pieces.  My job was to apply the water sealant.  
The next project was for me.  I wanted garden boxes.  I know I am not a great gardener and I thought if I only had a little to weed that I would be much better at it.  I don't plant a lot of things anyway so why have all that wasted space?
I really wanted grass between and around the boxes but then I wouldn't be able to get at them with new grass and/or seed.  So I settled for the mulch.  Again, they look so good and new soil with fertilizer added I'm hoping that whatever is planted will grow beautifully.

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