Sunday, January 24, 2021

Big 10 & Tom

Once I finished the work on the Carthage Cottage, I was asked to go to the Big 10 and do some painting.  The dishwashers have been removed and the appliance garage has been removed from the upper cabinet.  Most of the cabinets were taken down and the counter tops were removed.
In the six apartments that we've already painted, the job was very easy and took less than a day.  I needed to paint the corner and the spot where the upper cupboard above the fridge was removed.
In the four apartments that haven't been repainted yet, I needed to paint the small north wall, the bigger east wall and the even larger south wall.
I did the cutting along the ceiling and the corner of the southwest wall.  I gave Tom the roller and taught him how to paint the walls.  He did a pretty good job considering he was new at this.
Tom told me that he "loves painting" and that "It's fun!"  Jared would be proud of him.  Jared told me that I needed to teach him how to cut.  That's not happening.  In one apartment I didn't start in the southwest corner and Tom did.  He slopped paint on the west wall.  I needed to go back the next day and paint one more wall.  It will be a lot easier for the painters who come after me.  They won't have to paint the kitchens.

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