Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Priesthood Blessing

On Sunday, Pat was dealing with a sore tooth or teeth.  He couldn't really pinpoint where the pain was coming from.  It was bad enough that he took a pain reliever.  He even got up in the night to do so.  On Monday during his work day it got worse.  

When he got home and was sitting in his chair in pain, I got him an ice bag to help with the pain.  I asked him if he wanted a priesthood blessing and he told me he didn't need one.  He had made an appointment for the next day with the dentist.  It wasn't long before he changed his mind and said he would like one.

I called Tom and told him that he needed to give his dad a blessing.  He anointed his head and with only one prompt was able to do it.  Then he sealed the anointing and gave a blessing.  He told his dad that he would "feel better" and he did.  He was able to sleep without any pain relievers.

The next day the ache was back but not like it had been.  I'm convinced that when Tom exerts his faith, great things can happen.  

He did need a root canal and was able to get in just two days later.  He's now ready for his vacation to Florida!

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