Saturday, September 5, 2020

Pulling Out the Old Fence

On Wednesday there was a crew of Elders over at the Smith Family Cemetery taking down the fencing.  
Patrick would saw the fence away from the post and the other Elders would haul the fence sections away.  They were pretty dry and rotten.  It was amazing how easily they pulled an accordion move.
Because we wanted a break and wanted to see what was happening, we took a ride over and actually helped load fence pieces onto the truck.
It looks so different with all the fencing gone.  The grass is very green as there is an irrigation system in the ground.  The new white fence will look so much better.
There were a few spots where the bricks were disturbed as the posts were pulled up.  
Adam used the tractor to pull the posts out of the ground.  Each one of the posts was put in a 5 gallon concrete pail under the ground.  Now we wait as the Smith Family Foundation isn't sure how/where they want the new fence installed.  In the mean time, we Sisters working in the paint shop have painted more posts, puttied and sanded more fence sections and moved them out of the carpentry shop. 

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