Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lights, Camera, Action!

The Trail of Hope is a wonderful place.  In the summer when the YPMs are here, they do vignettes along the trail as they depict some of the saints who lived here.
In early summer, the mission decided to cast three casts of actors to do the Trail of Hope  if we were able to have a soft opening.  
My companion and I went and read.  He was cast as one of three Brigham Youngs.
Elder Munoa has all the equipment and wanted to record each of the people doing their vignette.  At least all of the seniors. 
We went out one night and got four vignettes recorded.  When Elder Munoa went back to watch them, there was a loud buzzing noise that covered each one.
We went back another night and recorded them once again.  We had to wait for some barges to go past and cars and an airplane but finally got on with the recording.
After we left, he went to listen and none of the audio had recorded.
The Carlsons were still there so they were able to redo theirs.
Today, in the daylight, Pat went back down Parley Street and recorded it one more time.
This time it better take as Elder and Sister Munoa are leaving in the morning.  Perhaps it wasn't all that important to record but it was fun watching Elder Munoa in his element.

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