Sunday, September 20, 2020

Phillip and Candace Munoa

Elder and Sister Munoa left us last week.  They left a few weeks earlier than their original release date and they didn't tell their children that they were coming.  What a great surprise for them!
Before they left, we asked them to go out to dinner with us.  We invited the Bailies to join us.  We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Hawkeye restaurant.  It was an opportunity to get to know them even a little better.  They served a temple mission in Korea a few years back.  She learned the entire temple ceremony in Korean although she does not speak the language.  He knows it since he served there as a young missionary.
Elder Munoa spent his career working in video production and television.  His final job was at BYU-TV.  He did a lot of work as a tech with the audio/visual things in the mission.  He has a great sense of humor.  He has a way of looking at things that is so practical but funny.
Sister Munoa worked in the office over the last several months.  She was in guest services which means that she took reservations for all the groups that are planning to come to Nauvoo/Carthage.  She is quiet next to him.  Although she has plenty to say.
As they gave their farewell remarks, he got out his guitar and played "God be with You" as his parting shot.  He said it was easier to say it this way than in words.  It was very tender.  
They are the last of the site missionaries who were here when we arrived.  It is a very strange feeling having all of our mentors/friends gone.  

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