Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Ripping Up the Vinyl

Over the past two days we have been tearing up the flooring in the Village Inn #7.  The carpet pulled up rather easily.  The hardest part was pulling out the staples that held the padding in place and that wasn't difficult at all.
When we got to the vinyl  in the kitchen it was a different story.  The glue held that stuff down pretty tightly.  We ended up using the skill saw to cut it into manageable pieces.  Then we used oscillating tools to get underneath the vinyl and pull it up.  Both of us ended our day when we finished the kitchen.
Tomorrow is the bathroom which is much smaller and shouldn't take too much time.  The toilet will have to be removed but Elder Pleshek is a whiz at doing that kind of thing.  Then we will be on to the next project.  Whatever that may be. 
This working together thing is kind of nice.  With the social distancing thing going on, we are not allowed to work with other missionaries.  With the Illinois governor's stay at home order, we are to work in places that aren't very visible.  Although, we may get to do some lawn mowing/yard work.

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