Sunday, April 26, 2020

Carthage Flowers

After making a delivery on Friday afternoon in Fort Madison, we went for a drive and ended up in Carthage.  It isn't any different in Nauvoo but I am astounded at the greenness of the grass on April 25th.  
The tulips along the entry path are in full bloom.  Very similar to what is planted in the Women's garden.

I love Spring flowers!  I've always loved tulips and daffodils but this year really gained an appreciation for the hyacinths as well.
The color combinations are so beautiful.  I will be sad when these are all done blooming.  I will not be sad that I am allowed to take as many as I want home to plant in my own yard.
The tulips behind Joseph and Hyrum are just beginning.  They will look like the ones in front of the Browning gun.  With so much quiet due to everything being closed, they seem to have nothing to oversee except the flowers.

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