Sunday, November 20, 2022

Turtle Sanctuary

Once we finished with the dolphins we went across the street to the Turtle Sanctuary.
These turtles were HUGE!  As we came to the edge to watch them, they came over near us.  Perhaps they thought they were getting some food.
There was a window where we watched the fish under the water.  This fish just stayed in the same place the whole time.  It has some sharp teeth.  I wonder if it is a barracuda.  
Another iguana sighting.  This one was not a blue iguana.  Did you know that the bright green iguanas eat the blue ones?  Cannibals!
In one place there was a chance to touch the turtles.  Wash and sanitize your hands both before and again after touching them.  These weren't nearly as large as the others. 
They all seemed to be the same type of sea turtle.
We were there at feeding time.  The guy walking on the dock was dumping what looked like dog food into the water.  The water appeared to come alive as they all tried to get to the food.
They were interesting but turtles aren't my favorites so it was a good experience but not great!  It was included in the price of our dolphin experience so we did it.
A close up of feeding time.

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