Thursday, November 17, 2022

Grand Cayman

A new adventure for us.  We left the country (other than Canada) for the first time.  We took a trip to the Cayman Islands, specifically Grand Cayman.  Some of the random things we saw are in this post.  


We went shopping in Georgetown and saw this man filleting fresh fish for anyone to buy.  Pretty sure that's red snapper.

This is 7 mile beach.  Such clear water and miles of sand beach.  I only wish we would've had some floatation devices so we could have floated in this beautiful water.
Cruise ships come several times a week.  On Tuesday there was only one so that was the day we chose to go do our shopping.  Less tourists.  Some days there are three or four docked out in the water which means there could be 2000 people per ship coming ashore to shop!
We took our snorkeling masks along.  Pat found a couple of conch shells but they were pretty green with algae and not in great shape.  Lots of fish to see down there.
While trying to find our way around Georgetown we ran into this road.  I needed a pic!
Driving on the left side of the road had it's challenges.  It might have been easier if we had a car with the steering wheel on the right side.  Pat had to depend on me to see around traffic that was ahead of us when we wanted to pass.
These little lizards were everywhere!  This one is missing his spiral tail.
Remember the first pic with the dead fish?  Well, this is just past where he was cutting up those fish.  This picture doesn't do these guys justice.  They are easier two to three feet long each!
This was the sunset one night as we waited for our Bioluminescence tour.
I found these little houses so enchanting with all their many colors.
We had a full moon while on the island.  I really like how this turned out.
Road signage was very different.  This tells you that there are curves in the road ahead. 
The blow holes were pretty cool.  Especially when a big wave came crashing onto the rocks. 
A different way to say, "Yield".
Speed limit sign.  Notice how close to the road the foliage is.  There really were no ditches at all.  At times there were some widened places at the side of the road. 
Another one of those multi-colored houses.
Seminary via Zoom.
Another pic of the full moon.
Eating dinner at the resort.  We had a lot of the local fare.  Red snapper was just fish.  Jerk chicken was spicy.  It made Pat sweat.  Goat is chewy.
This was our view as we stood on the pier.  The water was so clear it was easy to see the fish and rocks below.  I love the sound of the crashing waves.  Most days the waves were pretty minimal.
It's a great place to visit!

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