Sunday, November 20, 2022

Swimming With Dolphins

On our way to Hell we passed the Dolphin Discovery Center and decided to stop on our way back.  We were able to go out into the pool area and watch the dolphins.  We weren't out there very long when Pat talked to one of the trainers and we were back inside buying the experience to be in the water with these magnificent creatures. 
Lately in the morning, I've been watching old episodes of Flipper and thinking how fun it would be to be pulled through the water by a dolphin.
The experience each person got was dependent on how much each one paid.  
We were able to have them up close and personal with each person in the group.
Dolphin kisses were had by all.
Everyone had the opportunity to have them float in the water by you and then when commanded they opened their mouth as if smiling for the camera. 
The look on our faces says it all.  
We really thoroughly enjoyed this experience. 

They feel so soft and velvety.  Very sleek.
A dolphin can pull or push 5x it's own body weight through the water.  
Luna weighed in at just over 500 pounds so pushing and pulling us was an easy thing for her to do.
We all got pulled through the water.
We put our right arm up out of the water and the dolphin came under us upside down and pulled us as we grabbed a hold of her fins.
We had the opportunity to be pushed on a kickboard.  She came up behind us and pushed one of our feet with her nose.
The people who paid the most got to have two dolphins push both of their feet and raise them up into the air rather than having the kickboard experience.  They said it felt like they were flying.  It would have been nice but it didn't matter.  
This was one of those things you think about doing one day in your life but never really think you're going to be able to do it.  Wish fulfilled.  It was amazing and we both loved it!

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