Sunday, November 20, 2022


We can no say "We've been to hell and back!"
There is a place on Grand Cayman that is named Hell.
Interestingly enough there is a wall painted near this space that says something along the lines of "Come unto Christ and be saved." 
We stopped at the gift shops and didn't find anything we needed.  
This rock formation is the reason the place is named Hell. An early British Commissioner was touring the island.  it is alleged that he arrived at this site and exclaimed, "MY GOD, THIS MUST BE WHAT HELL LOOKS LIKE!"
The rock is made up of limestone and dolomite.  It has undergone extreme bio-erosion by algae.  It is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite.  The rocks are razor sharp and could cause serious injury.  So stay clear!
After seeing the rock, there's no way I was even thinking about risking life and limb to go get a rock!
A post office in Hell so apparently if you live here, you can still get mail.  :-)
The second time we went past this place there were about 20-30 chickens on the decking in front of the post office.
It may be called Hell, but anywhere I go with my sweetheart is Heaven to me!

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