Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Hiking Silly Mountain

The Ballards took us to a place called Silly Mountain to do some mild hiking.
We could get a feel for the landscape that is Arizona.
Who knew that there were so many different kinds of cacti?
MaryEllen Traeger used to live in this area and did a ton of hiking.  These mountains behind us are the ones she hiked.  
It was interesting that we both wore shorts while the Ballards wore long pants.
This view gives a good perspective on just how big the Saguaro cactuses can get.  I'm sure there must be a way to tell how old they are by their height.
What looks like random fence posts down below are really Saguaro cacti.
This is the four of us on the highest point we hiked.  
We got really lucky with the weather while we were there.  The end of April isn't typically high 70's and low 80's.
The sunshine and warmth felt so good on my skin.
Our country is so diverse in the landscapes.  While the desert is filled with scrub brush and cactus and rocks and dirt, we have green fields and trees.  I love how God created this world.  Each space has things that thrive in their own space.
I was in Arizona when I was six so this was a real treat.  To have people who live there give us a flavor of the area was even better.  

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