Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

 Christmas 2013 was full of activity and full of love as well.  Just the way it should be.  We started out our Christmas celebrations by having a Pleshek family get together on Clare's birthday.  Adam got a "swig-a-joe" dino aka switch and go dino.  He climbed up on his great-grandpa's lap to tell him all about it.
Last year all of our children were in our home for Christmas morning and it was wonderful.  This year it was just Pat and I with our boys.  Just as wonderful.  We were able to watch Sammi, Jeff, Evelyn and Erin open their gifts from us via FaceTime.  Isn't technology wonderful?
 Andrew opened new Nike socks as well as two new t-shirts.
 You may think I posted the same photo twice but he is actually holding up his two different shirts.
 Tom loves Home Alone 2.  He watches it on youtube and loves the part where Marv gets fried.
 I found the triology of Home Alone and he was pretty excited. 
 Andrew asked for a new jacket just before hunting season.  He wanted a Carhart.  I couldn't find one on sale, but Fleet Farm carries an identical jacket for about $20 less.  The sizing on those was a little better as well.  I would have had to buy a Carhart that he would've drown in just to get long enough sleeves.
 He LOVES it!
 I asked Tom what he wanted for Christmas and he finally came up with something.
 A Packers Sweatshirt!  He loves it as well.
 I never know what to get for Pat but I do know that if it is something I make he's always appreciative.
 This year it was a scrapbook chronicling his first 6.5 years of being the stake president.  It has official communications as well as photos and letters from others.  He always puts the book in front of his face to hide his tears.
After Christmas we had the Holiday basketball Tournament which is basically our big fundraiser for the Booster Club.  Andrew's team won for the second consecutive year.  That's never happened before in all the years this tournament has been going on.  
On Saturday afternoon, we got together with Pat's Mom and siblings.  We had a good time being with them.  I have the best mother-in-law.  I love her immensely.  She doesn't give these grand gifts, but she loves us all and I appreciate that so much.  It is true that a mother is the glue that holds a family together.
Another Christmas in the books.  I love Christmas!
Today I am taking down my tree.  It's only been up for more than two months.  I'm ready to get my livingroom clean from top to bottom.

1 comment:

Miss Erin said...

That nasty smile Andrew has going on. Hiding his emotions and excitement. Boo.