Sunday, August 8, 2021

Come Thou Fount

 Since I was the choir director for many years I gave the members of the choir a version of the hymn "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."  They have loved it for many years.  Suzanna Lau has been our choir pianist for all the years since we started the choir back when Dave and Sara Robertson lived in Gresham 20 years ago..  Over the past 18 months there hasn't been any choir due to Covid.

When we had the picnic honoring the Lau family, I suggested that we get together one last time and sing it before they leave.  We practiced briefly last Sunday after  church.  I felt something so wonderful stir within me as we sang together.  I don't know if it was the hymn or just being able to sing together again.  Either way, I really had to hold back the tears.  It was the highlight of my Sabbath.

Yesterday, I hummed it all around the house as I did my chores.  I especially sang out loud (to myself) the words of the second verse.  "Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God.  He to rescued me from danger, interposed His precious blood."  It hit me.  I try not to wander but if I do, Jesus will not only seek me, but will offer me His atonement.  What a blessing!

Today we had the opportunity to sing it as the closing hymn.  There were many more voices than last week's practice.  Amy whispered that this was our testimony prior to beginning the piece.  As we sang, I felt the power of that hymn and the strength of the lyrics.  Tears flowed down my cheeks but I held on to be able to sing it.  It was WONDERFUL!!!  I have missed ward choir so much.  I am grateful to share my testimony through that hymn.

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