Sunday, August 22, 2021

Pat’s House Update

Here's the update on Pat's house.  
Sammi and I worked on it again to clear out all the things he wanted out.  She planned a rummage sale at Andrew and Cierra's house.  Everything was priced to sell.  I spent those days cleaning his house.  After hours working on Saturday, I decided that some painting needed to happen upstairs prior to his return with Melody and her children.
Initially I wasn't intending to paint this room, but decided it needed an update.  The wallpaper border needed to come off as it wasn't intact everywhere.  Sammi and Evelyn did most of the work but I definitely worked to remove it as well.  
Here is the finished product. We took down all of the mini blinds and purchased curtains and rods with the money made from selling things at the rummage.  
The girls' room was the one I thought needed fresh paint.  This photo doesn't really show the proper color.  It was an olive green color.  It is also paint over wallpaper so I had some repairs to make before I could begin painting.  Clare came over on this Monday morning and helped cut the two rooms before she needed to leave.  Evelyn and I finished the project.
It may be just lipstick on a pig but it looks so much better.  My sweetheart installed the ceiling fan that had been tucked away in a closet for the past 20 years.  It may be somewhat dated, but it makes the room so much brighter.  
When I  spoke to both Pat and Melody the next day, Pat was very impressed that the fan was installed and the laundry room window was also installed.  Melody was impressed with all the curtains and how decluttered it was.  
It was a labor of love.  My family spent hours upon hours cleaning  his home to make it ready for Melody and her children,  It was exactly what I needed to do.  I have missed giving service every single day since being home from our mission.  He could not adequately express his love for me and my family.  It's ok Uncle Pat.  We know.


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