Sunday, June 28, 2020

HCK Porch

As Jared has been giving me work orders, I've been finishing them and then looking for other things to do.  I had my husband put in a work order for the Heber C. Kimball porch.  It was finished late last fall or maybe even earlier this spring.  It needs paint.  I thought this would be a task that wouldn't take too long.  Was I wrong!
Elder Flanders and I began working on prepping it for paint on Wednesday.  I began with filling the nail holes and then going back to sand them.  Then it was evident that caulking was in order. We spent three long days out in the sun and heat working to get things ready to paint.  The painting will be easy once everything is filled and sanded.  He says he will have about 15 more minutes of prep work up top and it will be ready for paint. 
I've been working on the lower porch.  The inside is close, but I haven't begun the outer caulking which will need to be done on a ladder.  We also have the small porch to the east to do but I have been working on that as well. 
I really want that porch finished!

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