Friday, October 25, 2019

Our Prophet's Daughters

On Sunday evening we had a special fireside with the Irions and the Websters.  The Irions are serving as temple president and matron and the Websters are 6 month temple workers.  Sister Gloria Irion and Sylvia Webster are two of the daughters of President Russell M. Nelson.
It was a joy to listen to them talk about their daddy.  They always referred to him as "Daddy."  It was also fun to listen to President Irion and Brother Webster talk about being a son-in-law and dating a Nelson daughter.
They talked about how busy President Nelson's schedule is and how he has very little time for himself and his vast family.  They schedule important events around his schedule.  He loves to attend baptisms and baby blessings for his grandchildren.  At this point most of them are greats and 2nd great grandchildren having those special moments.
When a new Nelson grand arrives, he is usually the first to visit at the hospital if he's in town. 
One of the things he loves to do is buy his daughters a dress for their birthday.  Sister Webster talked about how they all go out together and there are clothes everywhere.  (Kind of like it was when they lived at home.)  No wonder they refer to him as "Daddy."
This is a photo of the family these days with all of the children and their children and their children.  You get the idea.  The daughters spoke about their mother.  They referred to her as "Mother."  They said what a patient woman she was and how kind and how they miss her.  But, they also spoke so highly of Wendy Watson Nelson as the wife of their daddy.  How they love her and are grateful for her support of their dad.
One of the interesting things they said was that President Nelson taught all of them to ski and he loves to ski!  He skied up until his call as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.  His body guards could not keep up with him and there was no way for them to keep him safe.  I so enjoyed getting to know our prophet on a more personal note.
It was a wonderful evening spent with these people.  We have come to know and love President Irion.  I've felt a connection with Sister Webster.  If we had time, I think we could become good friends.  Either way, they will be missed when they leave in the next two weeks.

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